Here is a list of GME tools, utilities, paradigms and other contributions to the baseline tool environment. External contributions are also solicited. If you feel that your work is potentially useful for other GME users, please send an email to Akos Ledeczi.
GME tools and utilities:
- Generative Modeling Framework: a metamodel and corresponding pair of interpreters to add generative modeling capabilities to any paradigm. For more information contact Branislav Kusy (email: firstname dot lastname at Vanderbilt dot edu).
GME environments:
- MOF: a graphical environment for metamodeling using OMG's MetaObject Facility (MOF). For more information contact Matt Emerson (email: mjemerson at ISIS dot Vanderbilt dot edu).
- MILAN: Model-Based Integrated Simulation Framework for embedded systems.
- ESML: Embedded System Modeling Language. Toolsuite to build applications on the Bold Stroke Framework.
- ECML: Embedded Control System Modeling Language
- HSIF: Hybrid Systems Interchange Format
- Gratis: A Graphical Development Environment for TinyOS.
Related Research:
- VEST: The Virginia Embedded Systems Toolkit.
- C-SAW: The Constraint-Specification Aspect Weaver project at the University of Alabama.