Seminar on 'View-Centric Modeling of Automotive Logical Architectures'

06/23/2008 9:30 am

View-Centric Modeling of  Automotive Logical Architectures


Prof. Dr. Bernhard Rumpe
Visiting Professor ISIS, Vanderbilt University, Nashville
Institute for Software Systems Engineering
Braunschweig University of Technology, Germany

Automotive industry has stronger demands for an integrated modelling of the overall car function including both software and hardware parts. Furthermore, automotive industry has increased demands for developing models as early as possible. Those models should be independent of the platform, allow to identify and cut out variants and thus serve as a description of the car product-line. In this talk we present some intermediate results from an automotive project that describes logical architectures, views, features, variants and modes. Most important all those are put together in a logically consistent and precise framework to help car makes increase reuse and quality already at the requirements level.

Location:  Room 200, FGH