ISIS professors Aniruddha S. Gokhale and Yuan Xue chosen for Air Force Research Lab program

ISIS professors Aniruddha S. Gokhale and Yuan Xue were chosen to visit Air Force Research Lab during summer of 2009.

Prof. Aniruddha S. Gokhale, Assistant Professor in EECS, Vanderbilt University was selected for a visiting faculty research program at the Air Force Research Laboratory, Rome, NY for the summer of 2009. During this time frame, Dr. Gokhale focused on uncovering challenges faced in the timely and reliable dissemination of information in systems, such as air borne networking. He conducted extensive simulations where he uncovered multiple problems related to the wireless and mobile environments. To continue this research, he was awarded a follow on grant for the Fall 2009 semester. He is currently working on prototyping solutions in this space.

Prof. Yuan Xue, Assistant Professor at EECS/ISIS, Vanderbilt University was also selected for a visiting faculty research program at the Air Force Research Laboratory, Rome, NY for the summer of 2009. Dr. Xue's research project aims at investigating the challenges of integrating the emulation environment - Emulab with the heterogeneous simulation environments - Command and Control Wind Tunnel. In particular, this summer project develops some of the key concepts, models and run-time components that on the time synchronization and data communication between the simulated and emulated environments. Based on the summer research work, an extension grant was awarded for system prototyping.