Towards a Real-time Component Framework for Software Health Management

TitleTowards a Real-time Component Framework for Software Health Management
Publication TypeReport
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsDubey, A., G. Karsai, R. Kereskenyi, and N. Mahadevan
Document NumberISIS-09-111
Date Published11/2009
InstitutionInstitute for Software Integrated Systems
TypeTechnical Report

The complexity of software in systems like aerospace vehicles has reached the point where new techniques are needed to ensure system dependability. Such techniques include a novel direction called `Software Health Management' (SHM) that extends classic software fault tolerance with techniques borrowed from System Health Management. In this paper the initial steps towards building a SHM approach are described that combine component-based software construction with hard real-time operating system platforms. Specifically, the paper discusses how the CORBA Component Model could be combined with the ARINC-653 platform services and the lessons learned from this experiment. The results point towards both extending the CCM as well as revising the ARINC-653

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