Dissemination and Presentation of High Resolution Air Pollution Data from Mobile Sensor Nodes

TitleDissemination and Presentation of High Resolution Air Pollution Data from Mobile Sensor Nodes
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2010
AuthorsHedgecock, W., P. Volgyesi, A. Ledeczi, and X. Koutsoukos
Refereed DesignationRefereed
Conference NameACM Southeast Conference
Date Published04/2010
Conference LocationOxford, MS

This paper presents the framework of a mobile air quality monitoring network, with an in-depth discussion of several new innovative techniques for web-based visualization. These techniques allow typical web users to access high-resolution pollution data gathered from a large number of vehicle-mounted mobile sensing devices coupled with highly-accurate static sensor data in an easy-to-use, intuitive interface. Additionally, this interface o ffers users a set of novel applications to promote health and pollution awareness, including a green trip planner, whereby users can plot routes between two locations based on a path of least exposure to specifi ed pollutants, and an exposure estimator, which allows users to calculate previous levels of exposure to harmful pollutants based only on a single timed GPS track.