VehicleFORGE: A Cloud-Based Infrastructure for Collaborative Model-Based Design

TitleVehicleFORGE: A Cloud-Based Infrastructure for Collaborative Model-Based Design
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Conference2014
AuthorsJuracz, L., Z. Lattmann, T. Levendovszky, G. Hemingway, W. Gaggioli, T. Netterville, G. Pap, K. Smyth, and L. Howard
Conference NameProceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Model-Driven Engineering for High Performance and Cloud computing co-located with 16th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS 2013)
Date Published01/2014

Recent increases in industrial adoption of Model-Based Engi-neering has created demand for more advanced tools, environments, andinfrastructures. As a response to the Defense Advanced Research ProjectAgency’s (DARPA) initiative in the Adaptive Vehicle Make (AVM) pro-gram, we have designed and built VechicleFORGE, a collaborative en-vironment tightly integrated with the AVM design tools. This paperdescribes VehicleFORGE concepts and services facilitated by the cloudcomputing foundation of the infrastructure.

MDHPCL 2013 04-paper.pdf1.08 MB