Towards a Design Studio for Collaborative Modeling and Co-Simulations of Mixed Electrical Energy Systems

TitleTowards a Design Studio for Collaborative Modeling and Co-Simulations of Mixed Electrical Energy Systems
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsBarve, Y., H. Neema, S. Rees, and J. Sztipanovits
Conference NameThird International Workshop on Science of Smart City Operations and Platforms Engineering (SCOPE)
Date Published04/2018
Conference LocationPorto, Portugal

Despite the known benefits of simulations in the study of mixed energy systems in the context of smart grid, the lack of collaboration facilities between multiple domain experts prevents a holistic analysis of smart grid operations. Current solutions do not provide a unified tool-chain that supports a secure and collaborative platform for not only the modeling and simulation of mixed electrical energy systems, but also the elastic execution of co-simulation experiments. To address above limitations, this paper proposes a design studio that provides an online collaborative platform for modeling and simulation of smart grids with mixed energy resources.