
Vanderbilt’s medical capsule robots' hardware, software goes open-source

Researchers around the globe who want to customize medical capsule robots won’t have to start from scratch – a team from Vanderbilt University School of Engineering did the preliminary work for them and is ready to share.

ISIS team gets NSF AIR-TT grant

PinPtr, a novel GPS technique developed at ISIS, is getting a financial push onto the market, thanks to National Science Foundation Accelerating Innovation Research–Technology Translation (AIR-TT) grant.


Typical GPS products can find a location within 3 to 10 meters of accuracy, but PinPtr has the potential to deliver as close as 10 centimeters of accuracy.

MOOC leads talented Indian student to Vanderbilt

To say that massive open online courses, or MOOCs, have had a global impact is an understatement. Vanderbilt’s role in offering popular MOOCs is well documented, but here’s a different case: This summer, Chinmaya Samal, who started halfway around the world in a MOOC by ISIS faculty, ended up doing research on our campus.

Transit Hub - Smart City Research Demonstration at Global City Teams Challenge in DC

Congestion in the metropolis of Nashville has nearly doubled in the past decade and is expected to keep growing in future. Several constraints limit our ability to add more bandwidth to the roads and highways. Therefore, it is important to lessen the burden by encouraging public engagement with the public transit system.

New online course for computer programming offered for free by Vanderbilt.

A new massive open online course, or MOOC, is being offered by Vanderbilt that will teach computer programming for free to those with little or no previous experience. The course was developed by Professor Emeritus Mike Fitzpatrick and our own Akos Ledeczi.

Vanderbilt developer White says Music City Center wayfinding app is just the start

Visitors to Nashville's new 1.2 million-square-foot Music City Center will find getting around the huge conference center a breeze, thanks to technology developed at the school. Billed as using the largest interior deployment of navigational beacons, the new wayfinding app was developed by Professor Jules White. See how this is just the beginning for the technology.