Agrawal, A., A. Bakshi, J. Davis, B. Eames, A. Ledeczi, S. Mohanty, V. Mathur, S. Neema, G. Nordstrom, V. Prasanna, et al.,
"MILAN: A Model Based Integrated Simulation Framework for Design of Embedded Systems",
Workshop on Languages, Compilers, and Tools for Embedded Systems (LCTES), Snowbird, UT, June, 2001.
Download: Agrawal_A_6_0_2001_MILAN__A_M.pdf (121.36 KB)
Ledeczi, A., J. Davis, S. Neema, B. Eames, G. Nordstrom, V. Prasanna, C. Raghavendra, A. Bakshi, S. Mohanty, V. Mathur, et al.,
"Overview of the Model-based Integrated Simulation Framework",
ISIS-01-201: Institute for Software Integrated Systems, January, 2001.
Download: Ledeczi_A_1_30_2001_Overview_o.pdf (84.4 KB)