Agrawal, A., G. Karsai, and A. Ledeczi,
"An End-to-End Domain-Driven Software Development Framework",
18th Annual ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA), Domain-Driven Development Track, Anaheim, CA, October, 2003.
Download: Agrawal_A_10_0_2003_An_End_to_.pdf (662.27 KB)
Karsai, G., A. Agrawal, and A. Ledeczi,
"A Metamodel-Driven MDA Process and its Tools",
WISME, UML 2003 Conference, San Francisco, CA, October, 2003.
Download: Karsai_G_10_0_2003_A_Metamode.pdf (212.6 KB)
Magyari, E., A. Bakay, A. Lang, T. Paka, A. Vizhanyo, A. Agrawal, and G. Karsai,
"UDM: An Infrastructure for Implementing Domain-Specific Modeling Languages",
The 3rd OOPSLA Workshop on Domain-Specific Modeling, OOPSLA 2003, Anahiem, California, October, 2003.
Download: Magyari_E_10_26_2003_UDM__An_In.pdf (285.3 KB)
Ledeczi, A., J. Davis, S. Neema, and A. Agrawal,
"Modeling Methodology for Integrated Simulation of Embedded Systems",
ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation, vol. 13, pp. 82--103, January, 2003.
Download: Ledeczi_A_0_0_2003_Modeling_M.pdf (231.04 KB)
Sprinkle, J., A. Agrawal, T. Levendovszky, F. Shi, and G. Karsai,
"Domain Translation Using Graph Transformations",
Tenth IEEE International Conference and Workshop on the Engineering of Computer-Based Systems, Huntsville, AL, pp. 159--168, April, 2003.
Download: Sprinkle_JM_4_7_2003_Domain_Tra.pdf (255.82 KB)
Karsai, G., A. Agrawal, F. Shi, and J. Sprinkle,
"On the use of Graph Transformations in the Formal Specification of Computer-Based Systems",
IEEE TC-ECBS and IFIP10.1 Joint Workshop on Formal Specifications of Computer-Based Systems, Huntsville, Alabama, pp. 19--27, April, 2003.
Download: Karsai_G_4_9_2003_On_the_use.pdf (224.67 KB)