ISIS Publications

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Biegl, C., D. Malloy, and M. Chappell, "Automated, Real-Time Validation of Turbine Engine Test Data Using Explicit Parallelization on an Eight-Processor Pentium Platform", 13th ISABE International Symposium on Airbreathing Engines, paper# ISABE 97-7144, Chattanooga, TN, September, 1997.  Download: Biegl_C_9_0_1997_Automated_.pdf (178.81 KB)
Malloy, D., C. Biegl, J. Zakrajsek, and C. Fulton, "Development of a Near-Real-Time Turbine Engine Testing Diagnostic System Using Feature Extraction Algorithms", 13th ISABE International Symposium on Airbreathing Engines, paper #ISABE 97-7143, Chattanooga, TN, September, 1997.  Download: Malloy_D_9_0_1997_Developmen.pdf (332.61 KB)
Davis, J., T. Bapty, G. Karsai, D. Malloy, J. Sztipanovits, and T. Tibbals, "Model Based Data Validation", Proceedings of the Joint Technology Showcase on Integrated Monitoring, Diagnostics, and Failure Prevention, Mobile, AL, April, 1996.
Sztipanovits, J., G. Karsai, C. Biegl, T. Bapty, A. Ledeczi, and D. Malloy, "MULTIGRAPH: An Architecture for Model-Integrated Computing", Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, pp. 361--368, November, 1995.  Download: Sztipanovi_J_11_6_1995_MULTIGRAPH.pdf (146.05 KB)