Lm2-stable digital-control networks for multiple continuous passive plants

TitleLm2-stable digital-control networks for multiple continuous passive plants
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsKottenstette, N., and N. Chopra
Conference Name1st IFAC Workshop on Estimation and Control of Networked Systems (NecSys'09)
Date Published09/2009
PublisherInternational Federation of Automatic Control
Conference LocationVenice, Italy

A constructive method is presented in which Lm2
-stability can be guaranteed for
networked control of multiple passive plants in spite
random time varying delays and data
dropouts. The passive plants are interfaced to a wave
variable based passive sampler (PS) and
passive hold (PH) which allows a passive digital control
network to be constructed. A power
junction is used to facilitate the interconnection of
multiple passive plants and passive digital
controllers. The power junction preserves passivity by
guaranteeing that the overall power input
to the system is greater than or equal to the power leaving
the system. There are numerous ways
to implement the power junction including the averaging
power junction and the consensus power
junction which are studied in this paper. In particular, a
detailed steady state analysis is provided
which relates the corresponding controller inputs to the
plants outputs. The construction of our
digital control network is completed by interconnecting the
digital controllers to an inner-product
equivalent sampler and zero-order hold (IPESH) which allows
us to prove Lm2-stability.

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