
Wellons, J., and Y. Xue, "The Impact of Topology on Routing Efficiency in Wireless Mesh Networks (poster)", The Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (Mobicom) 2010 with ACM SIGMOBILE, Chicago, IL, 09/2010.
Wellons, J., and Y. Xue, "Oblivious Routing for Wireless Mesh Networks", IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Beijing, China, May, 2008.
Wellons, J., L. Dai, Y. Cui, and Y. Xue, "Predictive or Oblivious: A Comparative Study of Routing Strategies for Wireless Mesh Networks Under Uncertain Demand", The Fifth Annual IEEE Communications Society Conference on Sensor, Mesh, and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks, San Francisco, CA, June 2008.
Wellons, J., and J. Wisneski, "DAUTI: Automated Universal Traffic Introspector", International Lisp Conference with ACM SIGPLAN, Cambridge, England, May, 2007.