Model Integrated Computing

Lecture by Daniel Balasubramanian: Polyglot: Modeling and Analysis for Multiple Statechart Formalisms

In large programs such as NASA Exploration, multiple systems that interact via safety-critical protocols are already designed with different Statechart variants. To verify these safety-critical systems, a unified framework is needed based on a formal semantics that captures the variants of Statecharts. We describe Polyglot, a unified framework for the analysis of models described using multiple Statechart formalisms. In this framework, Statechart models are translated into Java and analyzed using pluggable semantics for different variants operating in a polymorphic execution environment.

New Software Release (Feb'10)

ISIS has released new versions of its core set of Model Integrated Computing (MIC) software tool suites to the public domain.  This includes the Generic Modeling Environment (a.k.a. GME) and its supporting cast of tools UDM and GReAT.  ISIS software is available for download here.

CAPE: Courseware Authoring and Packaging Environment

CAPE is an authoring environment for adaptive online learning based on the model-integrated computing paradigm. CAPE supports a domain-specific modeling language for representing the design of online learning experiences and the various ways that they can respond to individual learners as the experiences unfold.  CAPE is companioned with a web-based learning platform called eLMS that supports delivery of the adaptive courseware to learners.

Model-Integrated Computing Tools for Exploration Systems

MIC Tools for Exploration Systems (MICTES)

PI: Gabor Karsai

Sponsor: NASA

Producible Adaptive Model-based Software

Producible Adaptive Model-based Software

PI: Gabor Karsai

Sponsor: DARPA

This project aims at introducing adaptivity in model-based software development, at different time scales: at design-time, load-time, and run-time. The project is supported by DARPA, and the prime contactor is BAE Systems. (2007-)

GME: The Generic Modeling Environment

The Generic Modeling Environment is a configurable toolkit for creating domain-specific modeling and program synthesis environments. The configuration is accomplished through metamodels specifying the modeling paradigm (modeling language) of the application domain.