Cyber-Physical Systems
Scientists from the Institute for Software Integrated Systems, University of Houston, and NASA AMES recently published their paper on the opportunities and challenges and approaches for using Blockchains in Cyber-Phys
OpenMETA provides several key innovations:
Title: Establishing Secure Interactions Across Distributed Applications in Satellite Clusters
In large programs such as NASA Exploration, multiple systems that interact via safety-critical protocols are already designed with different Statechart variants. To verify these safety-critical systems, a unified framework is needed based on a formal semantics that captures the variants of Statecharts. We describe Polyglot, a unified framework for the analysis of models described using multiple Statechart formalisms. In this framework, Statechart models are translated into Java and analyzed using pluggable semantics for different variants operating in a polymorphic execution environment.
The Virtual Organization for Cyber-Physical Research - The objective of the CPS “virtual organization” (CPS-VO) is to actively build and support the multidisciplinary community needed to underpin this new research discipline and enable international and interagency collaboration on CPS. In support of this, VO-CyPhER will work with the CPS-VO community to foster community building, knowledge sharing, and collaboration.