Ledeczi, A., S. Sastry, M. Meingast, M. Kushwaha, S. Oh, and X. Koutsoukos,
"Fusion-based localization for a Heterogeneous camera network",
ACM/IEEE International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras (ICDSC-08), Stanford University, California, USA, 09/2008.
Kushwaha, M., I. Amundson, P. Volgyesi, P. Ahammad, G. Simon, X. Koutsoukos, A. Ledeczi, and S. Sastry,
"Multi-modal Target Tracking using Heterogeneous Sensor Networks",
17th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN 08), St. Thomas, Virgin Islands (USA), 2008.
Download: multifusion.pdf (1.36 MB)
Kushwaha, M., A. Ledeczi, S. Oh, I. Amundson, and X. Koutsoukos,
"Target Tracking in Urban Environments using Audio-Video Signal Processing in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks",
42nd IEEE Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, 2008.
Download: tracking_asilomar2008.pdf (442.11 KB)