
Dubey, A., G. Karsai, and S. Pradhan, "Resilience at the Edge in Cyber-Physical Systems", The 2nd International Conference on Fog and Mobile Edge Computing, Valencia, Spain, IEEE, 05/2017. Abstract  Download: main.pdf (1.06 MB)
Pradhan, S., A. Dubey, and A. Gokhale, "Designing a Resilient Deployment and Reconfiguration Infrastructure for Remotely Managed Cyber-Physical Systems", Software Engineering for Resilient Systems: 8th International Workshop, SERENE 2016, Gothenburg, Sweden, September 5-6, 2016, Proceedings, Cham, Springer International Publishing, pp. 88–104, 2016. Abstract
Dubey, A., S. Pradhan, D. C. Schmidt, S. Rusitschka, and M. Sturm, "The Role of Context and Resilient Middleware in Next Generation Smart Grids", Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Middleware for Context-Aware Applications in the IoT, New York, NY, USA, ACM, 2016. Abstract  Download: role-context.pdf (1.08 MB)
Pradhan, S., A. Dubey, S. Neema, and A. Gokhale, "Towards a generic computation model for smart city platforms", 2016 1st International Workshop on Science of Smart City Operations and Platforms Engineering (SCOPE) , pp. 1-6, 2016. Abstract
An, K., S. Pradhan, F. Caglar, and A. Gokhale, "A Publish/Subscribe Middleware for Dependable and Real-time Resource Monitoring in the Cloud", SDMCMM '12 Proceedings of the Workshop on Secure and Dependable Middleware for Cloud Monitoring and Management, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 12/2012.  Download: SDMCMM2012.pdf (158.98 KB)