
Kushwaha, M., S. Oh, I. Amundson, X. Koutsoukos, and A. Ledeczi, "Target Tracking in Heterogeneous Sensor Networks Using Audio and Video Sensor Fusion", IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems (MFI 2008), Seoul, Korea, 2008.  Download: multifusion.pdf (587.45 KB)
Amundson, I., B. Kusy, P. Volgyesi, X. Koutsoukos, and A. Ledeczi, "Time Synchronization in Heterogeneous Sensor Networks", International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS'08), Santorini, Greece, 2008. Abstract  Download: Amundson_I_0_0_2008_Time_Synch.pdf (194.27 KB)
Kushwaha, M., I. Amundson, X. Koutsoukos, S. Neema, and J. Sztipanovits, "OASiS: A Programming Framework for Service-Oriented Sensor Networks", International Conference on COMmunication System softWAre and MiddlewaRE (COMSWARE 2006), Bangalore, India, 2007. Abstract  Download: comsware07.pdf (982.55 KB)
Koutsoukos, X., M. Kushwaha, I. Amundson, S. Neema, and J. Sztipanovits, "OASiS: A Service-Oriented Architecture for Ambient-Aware Sensor Networks", Monterey Workshop 2006, LNCS 4888, Springer-Verlag, Paris, France, 2007.  Download: LNCS2007.pdf (1.54 MB)
Amundson, I., M. Kushwaha, B. Kusy, P. Volgyesi, G. Simon, X. Koutsoukos, and A. Ledeczi, "Time Synchronization for Multi-Modal Target Tracking in Heterogeneous Sensor Networks", Workshop on Networked Distributed Systems for Intelligent Sensing and Control, Kalamata, Greece, 2007. Abstract  Download: KalamataWorkshop07.pdf (3.94 MB)
Kusy, B., A. Ledeczi, and X. Koutsoukos, "Tracking mobile nodes using RF Doppler shifts", SenSys '07: Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Embedded networked sensor systems, New York, NY, USA, ACM, pp. 29--42, 2007.  Download: Kusy_B_11_7_2007_Tracking_M.pdf (811.73 KB)
Biswas, G., S. Abdelwahed, X. Koutsoukos, J. Gandhe, and E. J. Manders, "Toward Distributed Diagnosis of Complex Physical Systems", The Forty-Second Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, Champgain, IL, September, 2004.  Download: Biswas_G_9_0_2004_Toward_Dis.pdf (170.05 KB)
Su, R., W. M. Wonham, J. Kurien, and X. Koutsoukos, "Distributed Diagnosis of Qualitative Systems", 6th International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems, Zaragoza, Spain, pp. 169--174, October, 2003.  Download: ISIS_10_2_2003_Distribute.pdf (719.89 KB)
Koutsoukos, X., J. Kurien, and F. Zhao, "Estimation of Distributed Hybrid Systems Using Particle Filtering Methods", Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC 2003), 2623, LNCS, pp. 298--313, 2003.  Download: Koutsoukos_X_0_0_2003_Estimation.pdf (453.76 KB)
Koutsoukos, X., and P. Antsaklis, "Safety and Reachability of Piecewise Linear Hybrid Dynamical Systems Based on Discrete Abstractions", Journal of Discrete Event Dynamic Systems: Theory and Applications, vol. 13, pp. 203--243, 2003.  Download: Koutsoukos_X_0_0_2003_Safety_and.pdf (699.61 KB)
Koutsoukos, X., J. Kurien, and F. Zhao, "Monitoring and Diagnosis of Hybrid Systems Using Particle Filtering Methods", Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, MTNS 2003, Notre Dame, IN, August, 2002.  Download: Koutsoukos_X_8_0_2002_Monitoring.pdf (524.94 KB)