ISIS Publications

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Zhang, P., J. White, D. Schmidt, and T. Dennis, A Preliminary Study of Hand Hygiene Compliance Characteristics with Machine Learning Methods, , no. ISIS-16-101, Nashville, Institute for Software Integrated Systems, 11/2016.  Download: tech report.pdf (372.58 KB)
Zhang, Z., and X. Kousoukos, "Cache-Related Preemption Delay Analysis for Multi-Level Inclusive Caches", International Conference on Embedded Software (EMSOFT), Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 10/2016.  Download: PID4361635.pdf (341.45 KB)
Barve, Y., P. P. Patil, and A. Gokhale, "A Cloud-based Immersive Learning Environment for Distributed Systems Algorithms", COMPSAC 2016: The 40th IEEE Computer Society International Conference on Computers, Software & Applications, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 06/2016. Abstract
Neema, H., W. Emfinger, and A. Dubey, "A Reusable and Extensible Web-Based Co-Simulation Platform for Transactive Energy Systems", 3rd International Transactive Energy Systems, Portland, Oregon, GridWise® Architecture Council , 05/2016. Abstract
Eisele, S., M. Yamaura, N. Arechiga, S. Shiraishi, J. Hite, J. Scott, S. Neema, and T. Bapty, "ADAS Virtual Prototyping with the OpenMETA Toolchain", SAE 2016 World Congress & Exhibition, Detroit, Michigan, USA, SAE International, 04/2016. Abstract
Neema, H., J. Sztipanovits, M. Burns, and E. Griffor, "C2WT-TE: A Model-Based Open Platform for Integrated Simulations of Transactive Smart Grids", 2016 Workshop on Modeling and Simulation of Cyber-Physical Energy Systems, Vienna, Austria, 04/2016. Abstract
Lattmann, Z., T. Kecskes, P. Meijer, G. Karsai, P. Volgyesi, and A. Ledeczi, "Abstractions for Modeling Complex Systems", ISoLA 2016: 7th International Symposium on Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation, Corfu, Greece, 2016. Abstract  Download: AbstractionsForModelingComplexSystems.pdf (697.83 KB)
Pradhan, S., A. Dubey, and A. Gokhale, "Designing a Resilient Deployment and Reconfiguration Infrastructure for Remotely Managed Cyber-Physical Systems", Software Engineering for Resilient Systems: 8th International Workshop, SERENE 2016, Gothenburg, Sweden, September 5-6, 2016, Proceedings, Cham, Springer International Publishing, pp. 88–104, 2016. Abstract
Patil, P. R., A. Hakiri, Y. Barve, and A. Gokhale, "Enabling Software-Defined Networking for Wireless Mesh Networks in Smart Environments", Network Computing and Applications (NCA), 2016 IEEE 15th International Symposium on: IEEE, pp. 153–157, 2016. Abstract
Sun, F., Y. Pan, J. White, and A. Dubey, "Real-time and Predictive Analytics for Smart Public Transportation Decision Support System", 2nd IEEE International Conference on Smart Computing (SMARTCOMP 2016), 2016. Abstract  Download: smartcomp2016.pdf (3.58 MB)
Dubey, A., S. Pradhan, D. C. Schmidt, S. Rusitschka, and M. Sturm, "The Role of Context and Resilient Middleware in Next Generation Smart Grids", Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Middleware for Context-Aware Applications in the IoT, New York, NY, USA, ACM, 2016. Abstract  Download: role-context.pdf (1.08 MB)
Potteiger, B., G. Martins, and X. Koutsoukos, "Software and attack centric integrated threat modeling for quantitative risk assessment", Proceedings of the Symposium and Bootcamp on the Science of Security, Pittsburgh, PA, ACM, pp. 99–108, 2016.
Pradhan, S., A. Dubey, S. Neema, and A. Gokhale, "Towards a generic computation model for smart city platforms", 2016 1st International Workshop on Science of Smart City Operations and Platforms Engineering (SCOPE) , pp. 1-6, 2016. Abstract
Laszka, A., B. Potteiger, Y. Vorobeychik, S. Amin, and X. Koutsoukos, "Vulnerability of transportation networks to traffic-signal tampering", Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems, Vienna, Austria, IEEE Press, pp. 16, 2016.
Zhang, Z., and X. Kousoukos, "Precise Multi-Level Inclusive Cache Analysis for WCET Estimation", 36th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS), 12/2015.  Download: PID3875999.pdf (520.11 KB)
Abbas, W., L. Perelman, S. Amin, and X. Koutsoukos, "An Efficient Approach to Fault Identification in Urban Water Networks Using Multi-Level Sensing", 2nd ACM International Conference on Embedded Systems for Energy-Efficient Built Environments (BuildSys 2015), Seoul, South Korea, ACM, 11/2015.
Potteiger, B., P. Volgyesi, H. Neema, Y. Vorobeychik, A. Laszka, and X. Kousoukos, Resilient traffic light control (Poster), , Science of Security Quarterly Lablet Meeting, College Park, MD, 10/2015.
Abbas, W., A. Laszka, Y. Vorobeychik, and X. Koutsoukos, "Scheduling Intrusion Detection Systems in Resource-Bounded Cyber-Physical Systems", ACM Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems Security & Privacy (in Conjunction with 22nd ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS)), Denver, CO, ACM, 09/2015.
Lindecker, D., and J. Sztipanovits, "Applying Decentralized Information Flow Labels to Component-Based Software Systems Deployment", Technical Report, no. ISIS-15-118, Nashville, ISIS Vanderbilt University, 09/2014, 2015.  Download: System-Level-Codesign.pdf (252.89 KB)
hamed khorasgani, G. Biswas, and D. Jung, "Minimal Structurally Overdetermined Sets Selection for Distributed Fault Detection", Proceedings of the 26th International Workshop on Principles of Diagnosis, Paris, France, 08/2015. Abstract  Download: Minimal.pdf (1.25 MB)
Martins, G., S. Bhatia, X. Kousoukos, K. Stouffer, C. Y. Tang, and R. Candell, "Towards a Systematic Threat Modeling Approach for Cyber-physical Systems", 2nd National Symposium on Resilient Critical Infrastructure (ISRCS 2015), Philadelphia, 08/2015. Abstract  Download: eRTM_Paper.pdf (432.7 KB)
Abbas, W., S. Bhatia, and X. Koutsoukos, "Guarding Networks Through Heterogeneous Mobile Guards", American Control Conference, Chicago, IL, IEEE, 07/2015.
Babjak, B., P. Volgyesi, and A. Ledeczi, "Hardware-Software Partitioning of Soft Multi-Core Cyber-Physical Systems", 13th International Conference on Telecommunications (ConTEL ’15), Graz, Austria, 07/2015.
Chhokra, A., S. Abdelwahed, A. Dubey, S. Neema, and G. Karsai, "From System Modeling to Formal Verification", The 2015 Electronic System Level Synthesis Conference, San Francisco, ECSI, 07/01/2015. Abstract  Download: Session3_Paper3.pdf (1.04 MB)
Zhang, Z., and X. Kousoukos, "Improving the Precision of Abstract Interpretation Based Cache Persistence Analysis", 16th ACM SIGPLAN/SIGBED Conference on Languages, Compilers and Tools for Embedded Systems (LCTES), Portland, OR, USA, 06/2015.  Download: Improving the Precision of Abstract Interpretation Based Cache Persistence Analysis.pdf (756.55 KB)
Khare, S., K. An, A. Gokhale, S. Tambe, and A. Meena, "Reactive stream processing for data-centric publish/subscribe", 9th ACM International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems, Oslo, Norway, ACM, 06/2015. Abstract
Neema, H., G. Karsai, and A. Levis, "Next-Generation Command and Control Wind Tunnel for Courses of Action Simulation", ISIS Technical Report, no. ISIS-15-119, Nashville, Institute for Software-Integrated Systems, Vanderbilt University, 05/2015. Abstract  Download: ngc2wt-report.pdf (8.43 MB)
Taddese, A., M. Beccani, E. Susilo, P. Volgyesi, A. Ledeczi, and P. Valdastri, "Toward Rapid Prototyping of Miniature Capsule Robots", IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA ‘15), Seattle, WA, 05/2015.
Otte, W. R., A. Dubey, and M. Lehofer, "Challenges for Application Platforms for integrated Cyber Physical Systems", Workshop on Big Data Analytics in CPS: Enabling the Move from IoT to Real-Time Control, 04/2015.  Download: abstract.pdf (189.64 KB)
Dubey, A., M. Sturm, M. Lehofer, and S. Janos, "Smart City Hubs: Opportunities for Integrating and Studying Human CPS at Scale", Workshop on Big Data Analytics in CPS: Enabling the Move from IoT to Real-Time Control, 04/2015.  Download: extendedAbstract.pdf (189.05 KB)
Zhang, Z., and X. Kousoukos, "Top-Down and Bottom-Up Multi-Level Cache Analysis for WCET Estimation", 21st Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS), Seattle, WA, USA, 04/2015.  Download: Top-Down and Bottom-Up Multi-Level Cache Analysis for WCET Estimation.pdf (793.77 KB)
Abbas, W., and X. Koutsoukos, "Efficient Complete Coverage Through Heterogeneous Sensing Nodes", IEEE Wireless Communication Letters, vol. 4, no. 1, 02/2015.
Balasubramanian, D., and G. Karsai, Component Models for Vehicle Software Platforms: Two Case Studies, , no. ISIS-15-101, Nashville, Institute for Software Integrated Systems, 01/2015. Abstract  Download: ISIS-15-101.pdf (2.52 MB)