ISIS Publications

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Karsai, G., J. Sztipanovits, A. Ledeczi, and T. Bapty, "Model-integrated development of embedded software", Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 91, pp. 145--164, January, 2003.
Ledeczi, A., J. Davis, S. Neema, and A. Agrawal, "Modeling Methodology for Integrated Simulation of Embedded Systems", ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation, vol. 13, pp. 82--103, January, 2003.  Download: Ledeczi_A_0_0_2003_Modeling_M.pdf (231.04 KB)
Agrawal, A., and A. Ledeczi, "Multigranular Simulation of Heterogeneous Embedded Systems", Tenth IEEE Conference and Workshops on the Engineering of Computer Based Systems (ECBS), Huntsville, Alabama, pp. 3--10, April, 2003.  Download: Agrawal_A_4_7_2003_Multigranu.pdf (156.95 KB)
Neema, S., and A. Ledeczi, "Constraint Guided Self-Adaptation", Self-Adaptive Software: Applications, LNCS 2614,, pp. 39--51, 2003.  Download: Neema_S_0_0_2003_Constraint.pdf (139.34 KB)
Volgyesi, P., and A. Ledeczi, "Component-Based Development of Networked Embedded Applications", 28th Euromicro Conference, Component-Based Software Engineering Track, Dortmund, Germany, September, 2002.  Download: Volgyesi_P_9_0_2002_Component_.pdf (204.6 KB)
Gray, J., T. Bapty, S. Neema, and A. Ledeczi, "Viewpoints and Aspects in Domain-Specific Modeling", 1st International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development, Enschede, The Netherlands, April, 2002.
Ledeczi, A., G. Nordstrom, G. Karsai, P. Volgyesi, and M. Maroti, "On Metamodel Composition", IEEE CCA 2001, Mexico City, Mexico, September, 2001.  Download: Ledeczi_A_9_5_2001_On_Metamod.pdf (108.86 KB)
Ledeczi, A., M. Maroti, A. Bakay, G. Karsai, J. Garrett, C. Thomasson, G. Nordstrom, J. Sprinkle, and P. Volgyesi, "The Generic Modeling Environment", Workshop on Intelligent Signal Processing, Budapest, Hungary, May, 2001.  Download: Ledeczi_A_5_17_2001_The_Generi.pdf (116.09 KB)
Agrawal, A., A. Bakshi, J. Davis, B. Eames, A. Ledeczi, S. Mohanty, V. Mathur, S. Neema, G. Nordstrom, V. Prasanna, et al., "MILAN: A Model Based Integrated Simulation Framework for Design of Embedded Systems", Workshop on Languages, Compilers, and Tools for Embedded Systems (LCTES), Snowbird, UT, June, 2001.  Download: Agrawal_A_6_0_2001_MILAN__A_M.pdf (121.36 KB)
Neema, S., J. Davis, B. Eames, and A. Ledeczi, "Design Representation Issues in Polymorphous Computing", ISIS-01-202: Institute for Software Integrated Systems, January, 2001.  Download: Neema_S_1_30_2001_Design_Rep.pdf (2.93 MB)
Ledeczi, A., A. Bakay, and M. Maroti, "Model-Integrated Embedded Systems", Robertson, Shrobe, Laddaga (eds) Self Adaptive Software, Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in CS, #1936, February, 2001.  Download: Ledeczi_A_4_0_2000_Model_Inte.pdf (217.28 KB)
Sprinkle, J., G. Karsai, A. Ledeczi, and G. Nordstrom, "The New Metamodeling Generation", IEEE Engineering of Computer Based Systems, Proceedings, Washington, D.C., USA, pp. 275, April, 2001.  Download: Sprinkle_JM_4_0_2001_The_New_Me.doc (103.5 KB)
Karsai, G., G. Nordstrom, A. Ledeczi, and J. Sztipanovits, "Specifying Graphical Modeling Systems Using Constraint-based Metamodels", IEEE Symposium on Computer Aided Control System Design, Anchorage, Alaska, September, 2000.  Download: Karsai_G_9_25_2000_Specifying.pdf (90.87 KB)
Karsai, G., G. Nordstrom, A. Ledeczi, and J. Sztipanovits, "Towards Two-Level Formal Modeling of Computer-Based Systems", Journal of Universal Computer Science, vol. 6, pp. 1131--1144, November, 2000.  Download: Karsai_G_11_0_2000_Towards_Tw.pdf (182.08 KB)
Ledeczi, A., T. Bapty, and G. Karsai, "Synthesis of Self-Adaptive Software", IEEE Aerospace 2000, Big Sky, MT, March, 2000.  Download: Ledeczi_A_3_0_2000_Synthesis_.pdf (161.28 KB)
Nordstrom, G., and A. Ledeczi, "Formalizing the Specification of Graphical Modeling Languages", ISIS-00-200: Institute for Software Integrated Systems, 2000.  Download: Nordstrom_GG_0_0_2000_Formalizin.pdf (160.48 KB)
Ledeczi, A., M. Maroti, G. Karsai, and G. Nordstrom, "Metaprogrammable Toolkit for Model-Integrated Computing", Engineering of Computer Based Systems (ECBS), Nashville, TN, pp. 311--317, March, 1999.  Download: Ledeczi_A_3_0_1999_Metaprogra.pdf (70.05 KB)
Nordstrom, G., J. Sztipanovits, G. Karsai, and A. Ledeczi, "Metamodeling - Rapid Design and Evolution of Domain-Specific Modeling Environments", Proceedings of the IEEE ECBS'99 Conference, Nashville, Tennessee, pp. 68--74, April, 1999.  Download: Nordstrom_GG_4_0_1999_Metamodeli.pdf (67.92 KB)
Ledeczi, A., "Model Construction for Model-Integrated Computing", 13th International Conference on Systems Engineering, Las Vegas, NV, pp. CS103--108, 1999.  Download: Ledeczi_A_8_0_1999_Model_Cons.pdf (49.62 KB)
Misra, A., G. Karsai, J. Sztipanovits, A. Ledeczi, and M. Moore, "A Model-Integrated Information System for Increasing Throughput in Discrete Manufacturing", International Conference and Workshop on Engineering of Computer Based Systems, Monterey, CA, pp. 203--210, March, 1997.  Download: Misra_A_3_24_1997_A_Model_In.pdf (170.66 KB)
Ledeczi, A., "Model-Integrated Parallel Application Synthesis", Engineering of Computer Based Systems (ECBS), Monterey, CA, pp. 38--45, March, 1997.  Download: Ledeczi_A_3_0_1997_Model_Inte.pdf (118.81 KB)
Karsai, G., J. Sztipanovits, A. Ledeczi, and M. Moore, "Model-Integrated System Development: Models, Architecture and Process", 21st Annual International Computer Software and Application Conference (COMPSAC), Bethesda, MD, pp. 176--181, August, 1997.  Download: Karsai_G_8_0_1997_Model_Inte.pdf (4.73 MB)
Bapty, T., A. Ledeczi, J. Davis, B. Abbott, L. Howard, and T. Tibbals, "Turbine Engine Diagnostics Using a Parallel Signal Processor", Joint Technology Showcase on Integrated Monitoring, Diagnostics, and Failure Prevention, Mobile, AL, 1996.
Sztipanovits, J., G. Karsai, C. Biegl, T. Bapty, A. Ledeczi, and D. Malloy, "MULTIGRAPH: An Architecture for Model-Integrated Computing", Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, pp. 361--368, November, 1995.  Download: Sztipanovi_J_11_6_1995_MULTIGRAPH.pdf (146.05 KB)
Ledeczi, A., T. Bapty, G. Karsai, and J. Sztipanovits, "Modeling Paradigm for Parallel Signal Processing", The Australian Computer Journal, vol. 27, pp. 92--102, August, 1995.
Ledeczi, A., "Parallel Systems with Flexible Topology", PhD Dissertation: Vanderbilt University, 1995.  Download: Ledeczi_A_0_0_1995_Parallel_S.pdf (1.37 MB)
Ledeczi, A., "System Synthesis for Parallel Signal Processing", International Conference on Signal Processing Applications and Technology, Boston, MA, pp. 1507--1511, 1995.
Ledeczi, A., C. Biegl, and B. Abbott, "High Performance Graphics for Parallel Systems", Int. Conf. on Signal Processing Applications and Technology, Dallas, TX, pp. 733--738, January, 1994.
Ledeczi, A., and B. Abbott, "Parallel Systems with Flexible Topology", Scalable High Performance Computing Conference, Knoxville, TN, pp. 460--470, January, 1994.
Abbott, B., and A. Ledeczi, "TICK: TI TMS320C40 Utility Program", International Conference on Signal Processing Applications and Technology, Dallas, TX, January, 1994.
Abbott, B., T. Bapty, C. Biegl, A. Ledeczi, and J. Sztipanovits, "Model-Based Software Synthesis for Large-Scale Systems", Proceedings of the 9th AIAA Conference on Computing in Aerospace, San Diego, CA, September, 1993.
Bapty, T., B. Abbott, C. Biegl, A. Ledeczi, and J. Sztipanovits, "Parallel Turbine Engine Instrumentation System", Proceedings of the the 9th AIAA Conference on Computing in Aerospace, San Diego, CA, pp. 423--433, October, 1993.
Ledeczi, A., C. Biegl, B. Abbott, T. Bapty, and J. Sztipanovits, "Automatic Parallel Program Generation for Aerospace Testing", 9th AIAA Conference on Computing in Aerospace, San Diego, CA, pp. 434--440, January, 1993.
Ledeczi, A., and B. Abbott, "Model-Based Hardware Configuration Management", Transputer Research and Applications, ISSN: 0925-4986, ISO Press, vol. 6, pp. 318--332, 1993.
Ledeczi, A., B. Abbott, C. Biegl, T. Bapty, G. Karsai, and J. Sztipanovits, "Parallel DSP System Integration", Microprocessors and Microsystems, vol. 17, pp. 460--470, 1993.
Ledeczi, A., B. Abbott, C. Biegl, G. Karsai, and J. Sztipanovits, "Modeling Parallel Hardware Architectures", International Conference on Signal Processing Applications and Technology, Boston, MA, pp. 274--281, January, 1992.
Abbott, B., T. Bapty, C. Biegl, A. Ledeczi, G. Karsai, and J. Sztipanovits, "Experiences Using Model-Based Techniques for the Development of a Large Parallel Instrumentation System", Proceedings of the International Conference on Signal Processing Applications and Technology, Boston, MA, pp. 573--582, February, 1992.