ISIS Publications

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Chen, K., J. Sztipanovits, S. Neema, M. Emerson, and S. Abdelwahed, "Toward a Semantic Anchoring Infrastructure for Domain-Specific Modeling Languages", Proceedings of the Fifth ACM International Conference on Embedded Software (EMSOFT 05), Jersey City, New Jersey, pp. 35--44, September, 2005.  Download: Chen_K_9_19_2005_Toward_a_S.pdf (363.02 KB)
Nordstrom, S., S. Shetty, S. Neema, and T. Bapty, "Modeling Reflex-Healing Autonomy for Large Scale Embedded Systems", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Special Issue on Autonomic Computing, October, 2005.
Gray, J., L. Yuehua, Z. Jing, S. Nordstrom, J. Balasubramanian, S. Neema, and G. Swapna, "Replicators: Transformations to Address Model Scalability", Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MoDELS) (formerly the UML series of conferences), Springer-Verlag LNCS 3713, Montego Bay, Jamaica, pp. 295--308, October, 2005.  Download: Gray_J_10_0_2005_Replicator.pdf (575.88 KB)
Abdelwahed, S., J. Sallai, and S. Neema, "On the feasibility of lookahead control for systems with finite control set", IEEE Conference on Control Application, Toronto, Canada, August, 2005.
Nordstrom, S., S. Shetty, D. Yao, S. Ahuja, S. Neema, and T. Bapty, "The Action Language: Refining a Behavioral Modeling Language", 12th IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Computer Based Systems, Greenbelt, MD, pp. 315--320, April, 2005.
Shetty, S., S. Nordstrom, S. Ahuja, D. Yao, T. Bapty, and S. Neema, "Systems Integration of Autonomic Large Scale Systems Using Multiple Domain Specific Modeling Language", 12 IEEE International Conference on ECBS ,Engineering of Autonomic Systems, 0-7695-2306-0/05, Greenbelt, MD , USA, April, 2005.  Download: Shetty_SS_4_6_2005_Systems_In.pdf (542.27 KB)
Scott, J., S. Neema, B. Eames, T. Bapty, A. Vandivort, S. Khamsi, and T. Gangwer, "A HW/SW Co-design Tool for Modern FPGA’s with FPGA-Embedded Processors", 7th Military and Aerospace Programmable Logic Devices, Washington, DC, September, 2004.  Download: Scott_JM_9_11_2004_A_HW_SW_Co.pdf (284.38 KB)
Su, R., S. Abdelwahed, and S. Neema, A Reachability based Stability Analysis for Switching Systems, : Institute for Software Integrated Systems, September, 2004.  Download: ISIS_9_0_2004_A_Reachabi.pdf (3.95 KB)
Abdelwahed, S., N. Kandasamy, and S. Neema, "A Control-Based Framework for Self-Managing Distributed Computing Systems", ACM SIGSOFT Workshop on Self-Managed Systems, WOSS'04, Newport Beach, CA, October, 2004.  Download: Abdelwahed_S_10_0_2004_A_Control_.pdf (159.55 KB)
Neema, S., and G. Karsai, Embedded Control Systems Language for Distributed Processing, : Institute for Software Integrated Systems, May, 2004.  Download: Neema_S_5_12_2004_Embedded_C.pdf (439.52 KB)
Abdelwahed, S., N. Kandasamy, and S. Neema, "Online control for resource management in computing systems", The 10th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium, Toronto, Canada, May, 2004.  Download: Abdelwahed_S_5_0_2004_Online_con.pdf (245.72 KB)
Ye, J., J. Loyall, R. Shapiro, R. Schantz, S. Neema, S. Abdelwahed, and N. Mahadevan, "A Model-Based Approach to Designing QoS Adaptive Applications", the 25th IEEE International Real-Time Systems Symposium, Lisbon, Portugal, December, 2004.
Gray, J., J. Sztipanovits, D. C. Schmidt, T. Bapty, S. Neema, and J. Balasubramanian, "TWO-LEVEL ASPECT WEAVING TO SUPPORT EVOLUTION IN MODEL-DRIVEN SOFTWARE", Aspect-Oriented Software Development (Book): Addison Wesley, pp. 681--705, August, 2004.  Download: Gray_J_8_0_2004_TWO_LEVEL_.pdf (358.75 KB)
Neema, S., T. Bapty, S. Shetty, and S. Nordstrom, "Autonomic Fault Mitigation in Embedded Systems", Special Issue on Autonomic Computing and Grids at the Journal: Elsevier, 2004.
Karsai, G., A. Lang, and S. Neema, "Design Patterns for Open Tool Integration", Journal of Software and System Modeling, vol. 4, 2004.
Karsai, G., A. Lang, and S. Neema, "Tool Integration Patterns", Workshop on Tool Integration in System Developement, ESEC/FSE, Helsinki, Finland, pp. 33--38, September, 2003.  Download: Karsai_G_9_0_2003_Tool_Integ.pdf (274.24 KB)
Abdelwahed, S., S. Neema, J. Loyall, and R. Shapiro, "Online Hybrid Control Design for QoS Management", IEEE Int. Conference on Systems, Man & Cybernetics, Washington, DC., October, 2003.  Download: Abdelwahed_S_10_0_2003_Online_Hyb.pdf (172.18 KB)
Loyall, J., R. Shapiro, S. Neema, S. Abdelwahed, and N. Mahadevan, "Model-Based Design of Runtime Adaptation Strategies", The 9th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium, RTAS'03, Toronto, Canada, June, 2003.
Ledeczi, A., J. Davis, S. Neema, and A. Agrawal, "Modeling Methodology for Integrated Simulation of Embedded Systems", ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation, vol. 13, pp. 82--103, January, 2003.  Download: Ledeczi_A_0_0_2003_Modeling_M.pdf (231.04 KB)
Abdelwahed, S., S. Neema, J. Loyall, and R. Shapiro, "A Hybrid Control Approach for QoS Management", the 24th IEEE International Real-Time Systems Symposium, RTSS'03, Cancun, Mexico, December, 2003.  Download: Abdelwahed_S_12_0_2003_A_Hybrid_C.pdf (200.83 KB)
Eames, B., T. Bapty, B. Abbott, S. Neema, and K. Chhokra, "Model Integrated Design Toolset for Polymorphous Computer-Based Systems", Tenth IEEE International Conference and Workshop on the Engineering of Computer-Based Systems (ECBS), Huntsville, AL, pp. 72--79, April, 2003.  Download: Eames_BK_4_7_2003_Model_Inte.pdf (313.08 KB)
Bapty, T., S. Neema, S. Nordstrom, S. Shetty, D. Vashishtha, J. Overdorf, and P. Sheldon, "Modeling and Generation Tools for Large-Scale, Real-Time Embedded Systems", 10th IEEE International Conference and Workshop on the Engineering of Computer-Based Systems (ECBS'03), Huntsville, Alabama, pp. 11--16, April, 2003.
Neema, S., and A. Ledeczi, "Constraint Guided Self-Adaptation", Self-Adaptive Software: Applications, LNCS 2614,, pp. 39--51, 2003.  Download: Neema_S_0_0_2003_Constraint.pdf (139.34 KB)
Neema, S., J. Sztipanovits, and G. Karsai, "Design-Space Construction and Exploration in Platform-Based Design", ISIS-02-301: Institute for Software Integrated Systems, June, 2002.  Download: Neema_S_6_24_2002_Design_Spa.pdf (379.45 KB)
Mohanty, S., V. Prasanna, S. Neema, and J. Davis, "Rapid Design Space Exploration of Heterogeneous Embedded Systems using Symbolic Search and Multi-Granular Simulation", Workshop on Languages, Compilers, and Tools for Embedded Systems (LCTES), Berlin, Germany, June, 2002.  Download: Mohanty_S_6_0_2002_Rapid_Desi.pdf (263.12 KB)
Gray, J., T. Bapty, S. Neema, and A. Ledeczi, "Viewpoints and Aspects in Domain-Specific Modeling", 1st International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development, Enschede, The Netherlands, April, 2002.
Gray, J., T. Bapty, and S. Neema, "An Example of Constraint Weaving in Domain-Specific Modeling", OOPSLA 2001 Workshop on Domain-Specific Visual Languages, Tampa, FL, October, 2001.  Download: Gray_J_10_0_2001_An_Example.pdf (410.7 KB)
Gray, J., T. Bapty, and S. Neema, "Handling Crosscutting Constraints in Domain-Specific Modeling", Communications of the ACM, pp. 87--93, October, 2001.  Download: Gray_J_10_0_2001_Handling_C_.pdf (68.96 KB)
Neema, S., "System Level Synthesis of Adaptive Computing Systems", PhD Dissertation: Vanderbilt University, May, 2001.  Download: Neema_S_5_0_2001_System_Lev.pdf (1.61 MB)
Neema, S., "Analysis of Matlab Simulink and Stateflow Data Model", ISIS-01-204: Institute for Software Integrated Systems, March, 2001.  Download: Neema_S_3_0_2001_Analysis_o.pdf (259.18 KB)
Agrawal, A., A. Bakshi, J. Davis, B. Eames, A. Ledeczi, S. Mohanty, V. Mathur, S. Neema, G. Nordstrom, V. Prasanna, et al., "MILAN: A Model Based Integrated Simulation Framework for Design of Embedded Systems", Workshop on Languages, Compilers, and Tools for Embedded Systems (LCTES), Snowbird, UT, June, 2001.  Download: Agrawal_A_6_0_2001_MILAN__A_M.pdf (121.36 KB)
Neema, S., J. Davis, B. Eames, and A. Ledeczi, "Design Representation Issues in Polymorphous Computing", ISIS-01-202: Institute for Software Integrated Systems, January, 2001.  Download: Neema_S_1_30_2001_Design_Rep.pdf (2.93 MB)
Neema, S., "Design Space Representation and Management for Model-Based Embedded System Synthesis", ISIS-01-203: Institute for Software Integrated Systems, February, 2001.  Download: Neema_S_2_0_2001_Design_Spa.pdf (213.02 KB)
Bapty, T., J. Gray, and S. Neema, February 2001 PCES PI Meeting: Constraint-Based Embedded Program Composition, , San Diego, CA, Institute for Software Integrated Systems, February, 2001.  Download: Bapty_T_2_0_2001_February_2.ppt (540 KB)
Eames, B., S. Neema, J. Scott, and T. Bapty, "High-Level Functional Simulation for Model-Based Embedded System Synthesis", ISIS-01-202: Institute for Software Integrated Systems, February, 2001.  Download: Eames_BK_2_0_2001_High_Level.PDF (724.47 KB)
Gray, J., T. Bapty, and S. Neema, "Aspectifying Constraints in Model-Integrated Computing", OOPSLA 2000: Workshop on Advanced Separation of Concerns, Minneapolis, MN, October, 2000.  Download: Gray_J_10_0_2000_Aspectifyi.PDF (274.93 KB)
Eames, B., S. Neema, T. Bapty, and J. Scott, "Interfacing a Simulation Engine to an Embedded Runtime Environment", 2000 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Nashville, TN, pp. 625--629, October, 2000.  Download: Eames_BK_10_11_2000_Interfacin.pdf (50.44 KB)